June Art Update 2014
I have always been drawn to the unreal, the surreal, the mystical, and the magical. I remember having a bound book of Hans Christian Anderson fairy tales as a child and I can still clearly see the illustrations of the snow queen, and a dark figure of death with a long pointy finger sitting on a window ledge. It scared and fascinated me at the same time. In fact, the memories of that book have had such a strong influence on my art at some unconscious level.
Fairy tales can profoundly impact children in many ways. From dreams to aspirations, to fears and imaginings. Stories are such a real part of who we are and who we have become. They are an important part of our childhood, and many children grow up to become avid readers because they have grown to love the stories read to them by their parents when they were little.
I am one of those kids all grown up now, but my love of story telling is through my art. Images are incredibly powerful, and they can stay etched in our minds for a lifetime. I hope you can see a tiny part of your childhood in my art...
Thank you to those that came along to my artist talk at The Essential Ingredient in Rozelle. It was a lovely group of people that attended, and I met lots of new art lovers, as well as welcoming some lovely friends that I don't see so often enough. My good friends Sharon and Mark bought an artwork on the day - thanks guys, hope you enjoy it! I also gave away a small framed artwork by way of drawing a name from the box, so it was definitely not rigged! Congratulations to Chris who won! And finally, my gorgeous friends Shelley (amazing artist!) and Jo (brother of Chris who won) bought a print on the last day of the exhibition.
The food was great, and the staff at the Essential Ingredient were fantastic and gracious hosts - thank you to Matt and the team!
Ok, so I missed a group exhibition that I was part of. I know. Wrong day. We all have wrong days don't we? Well, I still had a gorgeous day with these two gorgeous girls, and I drank the largest cup of coffee in the WORLD!!
it's always exciting to see your artwork on someone else's wall, and I am making it a habit to request that anyone who buys my art sends me a photo of how it looks on their wall. My gorgeous friends Simone and Michelle who run Double Edge PR now have a "Refreshingly Different" print on their office walls. However, I had to go there in person to take the photo. I'm not complaining, mind you!!
I am really excited to now have my work for sale in two very cool stores in the city. Platform72 have two stores, one on Oxford St in Darlinghurst and one at Central Park in Chippendale. They are a hybrid gallery/retail store and have become known for selling contemporary artworks, homewares and jewellery while promoting and supporting local artists. Such a cool idea and business model! Check out there store next time you are in the area. They have very cool stuff.
Recent work
Not so prolific this month - just very busy with work and life...

Year of the horse - 2014
Horses are cheerful, freedom loving, and almost always irresistible. Horse independance and is the of the utmost importance even to the detriment of others, as it is hard for the horse to keep to any schedule. Easily flattered and enjoys being the centre of attention, but fast thinking and very perceptive of reading situations.
Bird family
I had fun creating these guys! They were so easy and as you can see, the ingredients I picked are absolutely perfect for bird parts. The artichoke couldn't have been more perfect for the wings, right? And the pear shape for the body, and of course the turnip for the beak.